
Welcome To Oromia Irrigation & Pastoralist Development Bureau
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Message from the President of the Oromia regional state his Excellency president Shimeles Abdisa

  • The work we started with the Water Storage Projects to prevent the recurrent drought damage has not only ensured the benefits of the people but also provided great inputs for the subsequent work. This year we had a shortage of rainfall in ten districts. In the desert districts where the vulnerability to famine is high due to lack of rainfall, the Oromia Regional State has been continuously working to solve the problem and increase the economic resilience of the people of the desert and it is working. The irrigation projects being implemented in Borana district, coupled with the support of various inputs from the Government, have played a major role in strengthening the economy of the farming community, increasing the benefits of our community and ensuring food security we have confirmed. Therefore, the government is working with long and short term plans to expand the water storage project in Borana district in a similar manner to other districts. The work being done to rehabilitate our community affected by the famine has shown us our accumulated strength and we should continue similar work in the future. The water storage(strengthening) project will continuously solve the drinking water problem of our community. On the other hand, the community will improve its economy by doing irrigation works and further increase the benefits of the community !

Message from the Oromia Irrigation & Pastoralist Development Bureau head his Excellency Enj. Girma Ragasa

The country’s government is committed to ensuring that the people of the region are self-sufficient in food crops and that the socio-economic livelihood of the farmers is fundamentally changed to do the development of irrigation resources in the region and the livelihood of the pastoral community from dependence on rainfall to ensure food security. region and the livelihood of the pastoral community from dependence on rainfall to ensure food security.

oromia irrigation and pastoralist Development bureau

Irrigation is the agricultural process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist in the production of crops, as well as to grow landscape plants and lawns, where it may be known as watering. Agriculture that does not use irrigation but instead relies only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain-fed.

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