
Godina Shawaa Bahaatti Qamadii jallisiin lafa heektara  kuma 350 irratti misoomsuuf hojjatamaa jira.

Onkololeessaa 07,2016 BMJHBO Godinni Shawaa Bahaa qamadii jallisiin misoomsuun muuxannoo kan itti ta’eedha. Hojiin kunis Aanaalee Godinichaa 11 keessaatti hojjatamaa kan ture yoo ta’uu bara kanaas Aanaalee kanneen keessaatti lafa heektara kuma 350 irratti misoomsuuf hojii keessa galameera. Haala sochii jallisii bara kanaa Aanaa Lumeetti argamuu  ilaalleerra. Aanichaatti facaasaan qamadii kan eegale ta’uus ilaalleerra.. Qonnaan […]

More than 30 million cubic meters of water is being strengthened in the Horticultural districts of Eastern Bale Zone.

October 03,2016 BMJHBO There are various activities being carried out to ensure the benefits of the community of the district by accelerating the irrigation development works. These activities are planned to improve the lives of the community. This year, he is saving to provide pumps to use irrigation technologies to make irrigation development work successful. […]

February 14,2016 BMJBO

The management of the District Irrigation and Agriculture Office and the Head of the West Shawaa District Administration Office have been discussed with the Oromia Regional Irrigation and Agricultural Development Bureau Committee. This year, 237,000 hectares of irrigated wheat is planned to be grown in West Shawaa. During the discussion, issues such as shortcomings were […]

The 2016 irragation wheat production in Guji district has been discussed with stakeholders.

February 14,2016 BMJBO Preparations have been made to supply water through various irrigation methods to achieve the enthusiastic plan of the Summer Wheat Initiative this year. In 2016, the focus will be on providing irrigation water through various irrigation methods to make the irrigation development work successful. Thereby, 14.56 hectares of family lake irrigation, 35 […]

The work of Water Strengthening Initiative was visited in Adoolaa Reedder and Arda Jillaa Me’ee Bokkoo districts of Gujii Zone.

February 13, 2016 BMJHBO Water reinforcement works are being carried out in Adoolaa Reedde and Arda Jillaa Me’ee Bokkoo districts of Gujii Zone. The culture of rainwater harvesting is being done well by the community in the area to improve the production and productivity of the farmers. The farmer said the water intensification initiative is […]

The water reinforcement initiative is being implemented in Xullo district of West Hararghe Zone.

Febraray 12/01/2016 There is a lot of work being done to strengthen the rainwater harvesting in Xullo District of West Hararghe Zone. Strengthen rainwater culture so that farmers can increase their production and productivity good spirits are being worked on among the community of the district. 31 shara lakes have been flooded. This year, 404 […]

The 2016 work plan was discussed with the relevant responsible persons and the office in the manjime in West Guji District. OIPDB 07/01/2016 There are preparations to supply water to various irrigation methods to achieve the ambitious plan of the Winter Wheat Initiative this year. In 2016, the focus will be on providing irrigation water […]