Happy New Year 2016 messages

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The head of the Bureau of Irrigation and Horticulture Development, Eng. Passed by Girma Raggasa


Dear Peoples of our region and our structures at all levels, Happy summer tomorrow and a happy spring.

Naturally, the seasons come and go in their own cycles. There are various activities that are done in the coming and going years. Our Bureau has played a major role in ensuring the benefits of our community in the field of irrigation in the history of this country instead of importing wheat, guaranteeing food grains can be exported abroad. On the other hand, it is the year when we completed and inaugurated major irrigation projects. Therefore, we will continue to develop an enthusiastic plan to redouble the successes achieved in 2015 and the results achieved in the new year

In 2016, we are going to develop irrigation development on 2.5 million hectares of land.

Dear People of our Region, In the new year 2016, our Bureau will work to provide efficient water for irrigation, build irrigation infrastructure in Horse Bula area and improve the livelihood of the community in Horse Bula area. In particular, it will work to increase productivity by using existing irrigation technologies to accelerate and modernize irrigation development. Therefore, there is nothing we cannot achieve by holding our people and we urge all concerned parties to play their role to achieve the irrigation development work.

On behalf of myself and the Bureau of Irrigation and Horticulture Development of Oromia, I wish you that this coming spring will bring you peace, embrace love, health and solutions.

A year of satisfaction and prosperity!!!!!!!

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