The 45-day Water Spreading Weirs(WSW) training has been completed.

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Dispersal Dam Training
(Water Spreading Weirs)(WSW) in coordination with Irrigation Development Bureau, GIZ-Ethiopia Project CDSDRP-III and Yabaloo Technical Pool College completed the 45-day training for trainers selected from 3 Horticultural Districts of East Bale Region They were graduated in Yabaloo.
Alongside the development work being done by the government to ensure the benefits of the community, it is one of the works being done to improve climate change. Working on the youth to fill the gap in development that the government cannot fill will benefit the community.
The training on water dispersion dam was organized in coordination with the Oromia Irrigation and Horticulture Development Bureau, GIZ-CDSDR-III and Yabaloo Technical Pool.
The training is crucial to save the farming community from drought in summer and floods in summer.
The training was given by the Deputy Head of the Bureau of Irrigation and Horticulture Development and the Head of the Horticulture Sector, Mr. Roba Turchee.
May 20/2

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