The Bureau of Irrigation and Pastoralist Development of the Oromia Region has provided working equipment to the youths who are organized to do development in the irrigation fields

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The Gidaaboo irrigation project has distributed 2,000 hectares of land to 600 unemployed youths formed by 55 associations. The 13,000-hectare Gidabo irrigation project is located between West Guji and Sidama Regions in Oromia. 8000 hectares of land is in the Orissa region while the rest is in the Sidama region. According to the Head of the Oromia Irrigation and Agricultural Development Bureau Engineer Girma Raggaasaa , the existing administrative brigade is working together to complete the remaining canal construction Yesterday, the land was handed over to the youth and two pumps and tractors were linked to the PESAPYE programme. Finally, Engineer Girmaan said that all aspects are being worked to ensure the benefits of the youth.

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