The Disaster Prevention, Severity and Economic Outcome Improvement Program of the Horticultural Community ( DRIVE) is conducting an awareness forum for the heads of various offices in the Horticultural Zone.

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October 29,2016 BMJHBO

Alongside the development works being done by the Government to ensure the benefits of the community, the works of the Support Projects are among them. These support projects are an additional force to fill the gaps in the development of the government.

The Disaster Prevention, Inclusion and Economic Outcome Improvement Program for Rural Communities ( DRIVE) is also currently in place to become a development force and it works in nine Rural Districts He held an awareness raising session for the Heads of various Offices during the program.

The program will work on livestock insurance, livestock shelters, major constructions that can accelerate livestock trade such as regional laboratories, livestock keeping centers and establishment of domestic and foreign market linkages.

The Deputy Head of the Bureau of Irrigation and Horticulture Development and Head of the Horticulture Sector of the State of Orissa, Mr. Roba Turchee, said that the support of the additional power programs is becoming a development.

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