There are 7,000 hectares of irrigated wheat in Gumbii Bordoddee district of West Hararghe region.

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Onk. 14/2016,BMJHBO Board of Directors

Gumbii Bordoddee district is one of the horticultural districts of West Hararghe region. The district was not known for irrigated wheat production before. Over the past two years, however, the taste has become familiar.

This year, the wheat sown in some places is expected to bear fruit.

According to Gumbi Bordodde, 7,000 hectares of land is being irrigated with wheat this year and 1,200 hectares of land has been covered with wheat as of this writing, according to data from the Irrigation and Horticulture Development Office of the district.

The farmers of the district have learned from their shortcomings with the knowledge, experience and understanding gained from last year’s activities and have started working to produce in a scientific manner this year.

The head of the Gumbii Bordoddee District Irrigation and Horticulture Development Office, Mr. Hussein Fantallee, said that they are working in coordination with the Irrigation Water User Associations to ensure the success of the irrigation wheat development work

The city is working in coordination with the district irrigation and horticulture development office to make the irrigation wheat development work a success.

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